[K12OSN] Network specialist foes: rice bet

Alan A Hodson ahodson at elp.rr.com
Wed Oct 26 12:16:26 UTC 2005

Hi folks

I am willing to bet half the rice in China that if you are not a 
network specialist in your district, at one time or another you have 
been approached by a network specialist about your K12LTSP server 
setup. In my own case, I've received an "ultimatum" not to install 
servers with network services running, that "affect the whole network"

The obvious are DNS, sendmail and named - I almost always remember to 
"chkconfig --level 2345 (service) off" to keep them off my back, but 
their latest level of aggressiveness concerns me - WHAT other 
services should I be considering as possible "not network necessary" 
so I can anticipate their requests?

A list of these "Avoid Network Questions" services might be helpful 
to the group.

As usual, thanks a zillion for your knowledge, insight and 
willingness to share and help.

Alan Hodson
El Paso ISD, TX

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