[K12OSN] Success! Run Fl_TeacherTool without root password

Robert Arkiletian robark at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 04:06:52 UTC 2005

Step 1
Create a group for teachers using "system-config-users". For example
'teachers'. Then add that group to all the users who you wish to run

Step 2
become root with
$su -
Then run "visudo". It's a special editor for the sudoers file. Add the
following line to the end of the file using vi editing techniques

%teachers  ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/sbin/Fl_TeacherTool

make sure that it's not the last line (in other words: don't forget to
hit enter) If you don't know vi then just goto the last line and hit
the letter "i" for (insert) then type the above line, hit enter, then
hit the escape key. Now type :w (hit enter) this saves the
modifications. Now type :q (hit enter) this quits visudo.

Step 3
If your fellow teachers are not comfortable typing too much then add
an alias in .bashrc in the home directory of the people who will run
the program like this
# User specific aliases and functions
alias teach='sudo /usr/local/sbin/Fl_TeacherTool'

or alternatively put a launcher icon with the command
sudo /usr/local/sbin/Fl_TeacherTool
on their desktop

I have also updated my website with a copy of this how-to

Enjoy Fl_TeacherTool!
Robert Arkiletian
C++ GUI tutorial http://fltk.org/links.php?V19

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