[K12OSN] RE: [Ltsp-discuss] Audio usage on Thin Clients

Krsnendu dasa krsnendu at orcon.net.nz
Wed Oct 19 01:54:04 UTC 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: ltsp-discuss-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:ltsp-discuss-admin at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Jim McQuillan
Sent: Sunday, 16 October 2005 10:38 a.m.
To: John Nicholls
Cc: ltsp-discuss at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] Audio usage on Thin Clients

>Some times of users really need audio.  Take schools, especially the
>younger kids that want to play games or educational software.  having
>sound is pretty nice.

Yes. Sound is essential for primary schools. It would be great if it just
worked with LTSP.

At our school we have been running KLTSP for over a year and overall we are
very happy with it. But problems with sound have been a real drawback.
Gcompris is good but sometimes the sound works and sometimes it doesn't. In
some application and not in others. All the terminals are the same, but some
users have sound and some do not. We also have not got the sound working on
websites yet.

Sound is an area that would really make the system complete.
We have Sound-blaster compatible ISA sound cards (Compaq SFF EN-ESS sound
card). In addition to the K12LTSP applications (Gcompris, Openoffice,
Mozilla, TuxMaths etc) we also run Crossover Office (MS Powerpoint, Windows
media player). We are also considering Win4Lin to cover educational apps
that don't run with Crossover Office. Does sound work with Win4Lin?

We are currently using K12ltsp 4.2. Would upgrading to K12lstsp 4.4.1 help
us with sound?

What happened to Munas? It looked like they had a good product, but their
website hasn't been updated since May 2004. Are there any other developments
in network sound?

One alternative is to run programs locally, but that also seems tricky.

Any advice or updates would be very much appreciated.

Krsnendu dasa

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