[K12OSN] first try

Robert Arkiletian robark at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 16:08:43 UTC 2005

On 9/28/05, Burke Almquist <balmquist at mindfirestudios.com> wrote:
> I remember this exact site being discussed earlier in the archives,
> and someone DID talk to the state and apparently it DID have to do
> with limiting the number of new connections from the same IP.
> Basically, it only accepts so many connections from an IP per minute.
> I'm pretty sure that this came up earlier. This is basically a design
> flaw for anyone that sits behind a NAT router.

Yeah but don't forget if your lab/school is behind a caching proxy
then it SHOULD only send out the first request and fill the subsequent
ones from the cache. However, if it's a secure login, then the proxy
won't help much.

Robert Arkiletian
C++ GUI tutorial http://fltk.org/links.php?V19

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