[K12OSN] what does /usr/bin/ltspinfo do?

Petre Scheie petre at maltzen.net
Wed Feb 1 22:04:11 UTC 2006

I've noticed for several months that when I ssh into a k12ltsp box from a remote 
location, that while I get connected quickly, it takes about 60 seconds before I get a 
prompt.  I've traced the problem to the call to ltspinfo in /etc/profile.d/ltsp.sh which 
is sourced during login.  Here's the line:

eval `/usr/bin/ltspinfo -h $LTSP_CLIENT -c all 2> /dev/null`

Since I'm coming from a remote location, rather than a client, I'm guessing that 
$LTSP_CLIENT, which holds the address of where I'm coming from, and therefore is not 
part of the client subnet, is causing the trouble; the problem does not occur when I ssh 
in from a machine on the same local network as the server.  Is this command trying to 
talk to ltspinfod on my remote machine?  Since I'm not a thin client, it doesn't exist, 
and presumably the above eventually times out waiting for an answer that will never 
come.  But that doesn't explain why I don't have the same problem when I connect from a 
non-thin-clint machine that is on the same subnet.  Anyone seeing this problem?


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