[K12OSN] Software virtualization...opensource way?

David Trask dtrask at vcsvikings.org
Wed Feb 8 16:32:20 UTC 2006

"Support list for opensource software in schools." <k12osn at redhat.com> on
Wednesday, February 08, 2006 at 10:57 AM +0000 wrote:
>The only real problem, especially in a LTSP environment, is memory
>usage. Each VM needs to be allocated a chunk of RAM. Within limits, it
>is feasible, but does not scale very far. Running Windows 95 instead
>Windows XP can save considerably on the memory requirements, but at a
>substantial functionality and stability cost. Windows 2000 runs just
>fine in 96 Mb, but is then quite limited as to the programs that can be
>started. Multiple VMs, all swapping, could cause a significant disk
>performance problem on the host server.

Interesting.  My primary interest would be Mac OS X apps...etc.  as I
already have a Windows terminal server and am using rdesktop....works
fine.  I'm curious as to things like sound....does sound from a virtual
machine travel down to a thin client?  Can anyone comment on how OS X apps
might work in this type of setup...accessed using thin-clients?

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcsvikings.org

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