[K12OSN] Second crack at a FC5-based build of K12LTSP

Angus Carr acarr at saskforestcentre.ca
Wed Mar 29 19:17:44 UTC 2006

Eric Harrison wrote:

>Roy wrote:
>>I have 64 bit so I look forward to your 64 bit version. Would it help you at
>>all if I tested the 32bit?
>No, wait a bit. I managed to mess up the install on my laptop
>(Athlon64), so finishing the 64bit installer just bumped to the top of
>my priority list ;-)
>Assuming no serious gotchas, the 64bit build should be caught up with
>the 32bit build within the next couple of hours...
Woohoo! Now I can deal with my system (64bit fc4 + k12ltsp) which won't 
do yum update properly. I'm psyched.

I appreciate you sharing your good work, Eric.


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