[K12OSN] Way OT: Track all web activity on my network with logging and reports

Tom Ventresco aust_txv at access-k12.org
Thu May 18 20:15:07 UTC 2006

First we implemented about 100 thins this year in 2 buildings.  The 
state of Ohio is even recognizing thin client technology from a funding 
stand point.  Huge huge thank you to Jim and all the people that make 
K12LTSP possible.  Nutshell - 4 servers ( 3.2 GIG P4 with 4gig of RAM 
and 15k SCSI 320 harddrives (key)) ICEwm, OpenOffice, FireFox, AbiWord, 
and Email.  Oh nvu as well.  No down days 100% reliable.

Last year I had 3 requests to produce web activity logs of students 
across a 5000 student district.  This year that number has jumped to 87 
requests from admins, parents, and law enforcement.  I need help.  My 
student (aka super star) created a transparent proxy squid/Dans filter 
box and its main purpose is to force SafeSearch On google, it works 
well.    I want to force every user on the network to authenticate to 
use the, filter and block web content, block downloads via extensions, 
and log activity weekly and archive it.  Is this possible with a 
Squid/Dans setup.  I might want to cache individual's cache for this 
thing called "evidence."   About 1400 possible nodes.  Would you go 
multiple boxes ( one at each building ) or one big mean server.  The 
District is on a star topology so one big server is possible. 
Thank you for your time,
Tom Ventresco

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