[K12OSN] Microsoft's insidious domination in Australian schools

Gavin Chester sales at ecosolutions.com.au
Thu May 4 17:01:03 UTC 2006

   >-----Original Message-----
   >From: k12osn-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:k12osn-bounces at redhat.com]On
   >Behalf Of Gavin Chester
   >Sent: Thursday, 4 May 2006 17:11
   >To: Gavin Chester
   >Subject: [K12OSN] Microsoft's insidious domination in Australian schools
   >(This email is written with many concepts explained that may already be
   >familiar to you because I am sending this as an open letter to
   >readers from
   >a wide range of backgrounds and interest groups).

Thanks for the empathic and helpful responses to my previously posted open
letter.  A lead from my local Linux user group put me onto a State govt.
authority that was recently established to encourage other govt. depts. to
consider FOSS.  This group is called 'OpenSource WA'

To quote from their website:
"OpenSource WA is an economic development initiative of the Western
Australian Department of Industry and Resources ... The Department of
Industry and Resources has commenced a number of initiatives to maximise the
use of innovative software applications within Western Australia. These
initiatives include:
    * Working in partnership with other key government agencies to
investigate the potential opportunities afforded by the use of innovative
software systems to drive interoperability and other efficiencies;
    * Establishing the Open Source Demonstration Centre within the
Innovation Centre at Technology Park, Bentley. This centre provides an
environment where software users and developers can evaluate both
proprietary and Open Source software."

I have emailed key people within and associated with this authority asking
their advice on influencing the Dept of Education into considering FOSS in
their curriculum, or at least finding out if the official position is
tolerant of independent FOSS initiatives in schools.  I will report further
if this gets a foot in the door in West Australian education.  Bring it on


	Gavin Chester

	962 Williams Rd (PO Box 62), Dwellingup, Western Australia.  6213.
	Tel: (08) 9538 1102
	E-mail#1: mailto:sales at ecosolutions.com.au
	E-mail#2: mailto:gc at gwchester.com

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