[K12OSN] attach multiple monitor, keyboard and mouse to one computer

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu m3freak at rogers.com
Sun Oct 15 16:03:37 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-10-08 at 23:56 +0800, Sonny To wrote:
> http://userful.com/products/ds
> It is based on Fedora and allows attaching multiply monitor, keyboard
> and mice to one computer to be used as workstation. Too bad its not
> opensource. Anyone know of an opensource alternative?

I've never quite understood their approach, or why libraries are buying
their hardware (Userful was originally targeting libraries...not sure
now).  Here in Brampton, ON, one of the libraries I visited has Userful
boxes set up in a few locations.  It's nice that one box can run 10
stations, but it's really short sighted: the library ends up having to
run and maintain one box per "node" (I'm using the term node to refer to
the group of 10 keyboards/mice/monitors), and in this library's case, is
also exposing the one box to the public!

It seems to me a much more flexible, secure, and reliable solution would
be to deploy Linux thin clients running off one big X server.  That
would also give libraries the opportunity to place workstations
ANYWHERE, and as many as the one server could support.  As it is, the
workstations are grouped around the Userful server, and it can only
support 10 on one box (last I checked).

It might be good in a small library, but I don't see the benefit in
bigger libraries.

Still, it was quite a treat using a Linux box at the library!  Userful
does have a decent solution.  Very easy to duplicate though.

BTW, if Userful has changed the code in anything that is licensed under
the GPL or other f/oss licenses, they have to provide you with the
sources when requested.  I don't know enough about what they've done to
say if their complying or not.



Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu
Linux 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5 i686 GNU/Linux 
11:44:04 up 1 day, 10:50, 2 users, load average: 0.43, 0.40, 0.23 

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