[K12OSN] Retiring a K12LTSP server (back to just FC6 LAMP/Samba)

Carl Keil carl at snarlnet.com
Wed Oct 25 06:34:19 UTC 2006

Hi Folks,

Those of you following my saga [crickets chirp here] know that I just 
installed a new K12LTSP server.  I want to use my old one as a web 
server (a massive upgrade hardwarewise from what I'm running now).  I 
was going to just reinstall the thing from scratch to get the 
latest/greatest everything, but time has become an issue, not to mention 
fatigue from configuring servers.  I've been running the thing as a LAMP 
server on the side, so it's almost exactly what I need already. 

Can someone recommend a way to "convert" this thing back to straight 
FC?  Can I "yum remove" certain things, disable certain repos and turn 
off a few services?  I would like to, at that point, be able to run "yum 
upgrade" and get to pretty much stock FC6 without repo conflicts.  It's 
at k12LTSP 4.2.2 right now. 

Any thoughts?  [more crickets?]

Thanks a bunch, as usual.


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