[K12OSN] Core Files

k12ltsp k12ltsp at hermon.net
Tue Dec 11 15:53:43 UTC 2007

Hi everyone,

We are having some big issues with Core files being created in the users
home directories.

We have set quotas on our network to 300 megs for each user account, and
some users have issues where core files will take up the entire space in
their account and prevent it from working.

We have to continually delete core files in user accounts to get them
working again. We suspect it is caused by crashes. Also, unfortunately
students use the CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE key as a preferred means of logging
out (it's similar to a force-quit key sequence on a Mac that students were
taught.), and I believe this is the main source of these files.

We've looked online and haven't heard anything from any other LTSP users
with the same issue. 

I can confirm the issue isn't a hardware problem because we use 10
different LTSP servers across the district with home mounted via NFS/NIS,
and these files are created on users logged into any of these servers. It
must be a configuration issue.

Under our current setup, we use a Terabyte server as the central Home and
authentication server, which runs ypserv and contains the home folder.
Other servers connect via ypserv and mount the home. 

The strange issue is, I know that under FC, and our FC6, that the creation
of core files is turned off by default under the /etc/profile section:

# No core files by default
ulimit -S -c 0 > /dev/null 2>&1

We went as far as turning on K12LTSP-LIMITS on, and added the following
line under the k12ltsp-limits.sh file:

        ulimit -S -c 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 

Then restarted the server.

user accounts:


Alan Owen
Assistant to the Director of Information Services
Hermon Information Services/Hermon School Department
"Using Technology to Empower All Students to Succeed in a Changing World."

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