[K12OSN] RAID let me down...

Shawn Powers spowers at inlandlakes.org
Tue Feb 13 15:11:26 UTC 2007

On Feb 13, 2007, at 9:57 AM, Eric Harrison wrote:
> Backups, backups are good ;-)

Amen.  I'm in a bit of a sticky situation, because I see last night's  
backup is 30GB smaller than the night before, so I think I had some  
issues going on there.  Now, when I rebuild my server (which it looks  
like I will be doing, fsck will not give this file system it's  
blessing when fscking manually...) I get to decide whether to restore  
the partially corrupted, but most recent copy, or the good but old copy.



PS: Jim -- it's an LSI raid card, which uses the megaraid kernel  
module.  It's been a faithful old server, but I may have to drop it  
from the top of a large building sometime soon...
Shawn Powers
Technology Director
Inland Lakes Schools
PHN: 231-238-6868 x9174
FAX: 509-356-7024
spowers at inlandlakes.org
Work Website: http://techcorner.inlandlakes.org
Personal Blog: http://www.brainofshawn.com

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