[K12OSN] Teaching the Teachers Summary

Huck dhuckaby at paasda.org
Tue Jan 9 23:01:39 UTC 2007

Yesterday at HVJA I briefly(1hr) showed the teachers how to use the LTSP 
lab.  Here are some excerpts:

Tux-PaintWow! That's just like KidPix.

Ktuberling...how fun! Are these mustaches or eyebrows?

Celestia...Oh look there's Earth, umm now what?

Scribus...Oh that's great! Now we can actually LEARN page layout and 
design(former MS-publisher user)

The Gimp...is this on The OpenCD you handed out? Great, I'm taking it 
home and making my husband teach me how to use it!

Childsplay...what just happened to my screen?(Huck forgot to test it out 
himself)..went to some gawd-awful HUGE resolution that only showed 1/4 
of the application at a time..moving mouse off screen shifted the screen 
  to see unviewable part(s).

GCompris...same as above.

Hangman...Hey, this is a desert theme...why did it just use the word 
'whale'?(Huck points to the cactus and sand...Desert) ;)

OpenOffice...Is this compatible with MS-Office? so kids can create 
presentations in the lab and then present them in class with the 
projector on my computer? (Huck nods happily)

USB-jump drive...plug it and folder appears.. WOAH!!! Cool! Neat!

Ktouch...Umm where are the numbers? 10-key? Punctuation?  (Huck, I'll 
see if we can't find something for that.)

Tux-type/math .. Oh this is fun! But it's getting slower, not faster (as 
more people loaded it...those are intense power hungry apps)

Terminal...what can the kids do with this? (Huck, absolutely anything 
they want...create files, write programs, create scripts, learn/run 
almost any program)

Where's the anti-virus software? (Huck laughed)

All in all I was surprised at how quickly the older ones caught on and 
got the hang of stuff...
and then I demo'd TeacherTool ;)  and they were all, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
now THAT's what I want!! CONTROL!!! ;)

Huck was happy that they were so excited about having a lab, they 
immediately passed around a sheet of paper laying claim to days and 
times when they would reserve the lab for their classes!


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