[K12OSN] Nautilus can't be used now due to an unexpected error.

Barry Cisna brcisna at eazylivin.net
Sun Jan 14 20:30:28 UTC 2007

Hi Scott,

  If this is fresh install of FC6,( or any version), I had this happen on
one server many moons ago. Not sure why this cured it,but this was an
AMD processor server. I bumped up the CPU timing from "default" to one
speed higher and never had the Nautilus crash again. This went on for
sometime, before I made the change so I'm sure the CPU timing change DID
actually cure it. I m guessing if you had faulty memory ,the results
could be the same.
I know you'd think if this worked OK for previous version K12LTSP ,it
should work Ok for the latest.greatest version of K12LTSP.
If this server is an AMD ,I'd give this a try ,wont hurt anything. A
simple reboot, dive into the bios and adjust CPU timing up/down one speed.
Mine was on a fairly old AMD processor server ,FYI. But works like  a
charm for its purpose.
Naulitlus would crash at the console as well as on clients too,just so you

Let us know what you figure out.

Barry Cisna
westcentral school

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