[K12OSN] Frameworks for Web based Student Information Systems

Caleb Wagnon cwagnon at fordyceschools.org
Tue Jan 16 18:08:54 UTC 2007

Have you checked out Centre:


Don't ask me questions about it cause I don't have any experience with
it. I could however get you into contact with a guy that uses it in his
district...though not for a full fledged SIS.

As far as languages, I like PHP for how easy it is to do so much...but
I believe that's also its downfall. I've battled so many PHP related
security issues that I don't use it for much anymore.

J2EE seems to be the way to go if you've got some good Java developers
on hand IMO.

Caleb Wagnon
Technology Coordinator
Fordyce Schools


>>> "Robert Arkiletian" <robark at gmail.com> 1/16/2007 11:45 AM >>>
Not sure how many developers are on this list but here goes.

What types of frameworks would be best suited for developing a full
featured large scale (district level) Student Information System?

The ones which I know exist are
Zope (Python)
Django (Python)
Ruby on Rails

I'm assuming the database backend would be PostgreSQL, MySQL or

The real question is if one (or more) district(s) was to hire a team
of developers to write a GPLed SIS, how long would this take and cost?

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