[K12OSN] Making a Launcher to a Windows Share

Levi Kemp lnkemp at bolivar.k12.mo.us
Fri May 4 15:33:03 UTC 2007

I've got a simple question, I hope. All my users have files stored on a
Windows Server. It is known as there G: drive in windows. I'd like to
create a Launcher on the desktop for them to access those file and I
also need to make sure they can easily save there from OpenOffice. The
launcher isn't hard to make, except that the folders are the username$ ,
so that they are invisible to most users. First what is the syntax for
getting the current username, U$ or something like that right? Second,
when I type in username$, or in my case lnkemp$, I get a cannot find
folder \br2\lnkemp%24 on \br2\lnkemp%24 error. Yes I'm using smb:\\br2
\lnkemp$ , so that part is correct. What am I missing here to make this
work? Or should I permenantly map the drive and just create a launcher
for that? Thanks!

Levi Kemp <lnkemp at bolivar.k12.mo.us>
Bolivar R-1 Schools
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