[K12OSN] Power School????

Barry R Cisna brcisna at eazylivin.net
Sun Dec 14 16:12:21 UTC 2008

Hi Bob,

Here is a strictly web based SIS product. Centre/SIS. I have followed
this and played with it quite a bit over the last four years. It does
everything PowerSchool does and more. They now have the lunchline module
included as part of the package. It IS an active/developing product,so I
think it will be around for some time.
Example our school just spent about 45K to convert to a web based SIS
product( with yearly recurring cost per student of course), and another
20K to convert to a 'better' lunchline program. I have NO say so in any
decisions. Hence the uppers like to go 'commercial'. Have you ever heard
the phrase "You are beating a dead horse"?:-)
Centre/SIS does what these two products the school bought and more.
Price $0.
Runs on a Postgresql database.Easy to setup really and you have to
purchase the state reporting modules (if your state requires this) but
very minimal for all the functionality you are getting.
BTW: The Web2School looks very nice too. Only thing that I see, just a
tad iffy is the Java stuff required to run Web2School. Shouldn't be a
big deal,though.
Have a look here to compare apples to apples:


Take Care,
Barry Cisna

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