[K12OSN] OT: Break-In report

Nils Breunese nils at breun.nl
Wed Jan 2 15:54:14 UTC 2008

Rob Owens wrote:

> I've heard about the various packages that block connections based  
> on x
> number of failed attempts.  I'm going to look at them a little more
> seriously now.

I like fail2ban (http://fail2ban.sourceforge.net/), which creates  
temporary iptables rules for hosts that make to many attempts to login  
to a service. If you enable the RPMforge yum repository (a config file  
ships with K12LTSP in /etc/yum.repos.d, but you need to enable it  
explicitly by setting enable=1) you can do the following:

1. Install fail2ban: yum install fail2ban
2. Start fail2ban: service fail2ban start
3. Make sure it start on boot: chkconfig --level 345 fail2ban on

The defaults do a good job, but if you want notification or change the  
block time, etc. have a look at /etc/fail2ban.conf. (Don't forget to  
restart fail2ban after making changes: service fail2ban restart).  
Fail2ban automatically monitors sshd, but can also be setup to monitor  
other services.

Setting up public key authentication and disabling password  
authentication for sshd completely is an even better idea if that is  
feasible in your setup. I still like to run fail2ban in that case, if  
only to keep the logs from filling with failed login attempts.

Nils Breunese.

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