[K12OSN] Java on Linux slow, any ideas?

Barry R Cisna brcisna at eazylivin.net
Sun Nov 2 12:39:07 UTC 2008


This will not really help you out any for a resolve. But I tested bluej
last year for viability for a teacher before putting it on a k12ltsp
server and it was very slow both on a nice desktop as well as a brand
new laptop. I tried launching bluej with different memory
parameters,,,blah,,blah,,and didn't make a lick of difference.
The browse function would not work at all.The browse would not even go
in deeper into directories for one. I had to type in the paths to open
project files for example.
I'm sure these people have put a lot of time into bluej but it just
wouldn't work at all for us. I couldn't find any fixups in the list
serve( at the time) there so finally gave up. I am an army of one here:)
FYI: I was using fc6 with jdk1.5.0_15

Take Care,
Barry Cisna

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