[K12OSN] USB Stick on demand virus scanning

Barry Cisna brcisna at eazylivin.net
Thu Mar 10 21:40:18 UTC 2011

Hello All,

This is somewhat off topic here,and I am guessing this may be a tough
nut to crack. I am going to ask anyways. 
I would like to come up with some sort of usb stick 'on demand' scanning
that utilizes Clamav,Samba,and the samba-vscan-clamav module. I have
posted this in the Clamav forums and got one reply which really wasn't a
turn key setup like I would like it to be.
I am for sure not smart enough to come up with some sort of script that
would in effect auto mount an usb stick that was inserted into any
Winders workstation that was domain logged in and scan this newly seen
drive with the samba-vscan module and would function in the same manner
as samba-vscan-clamav works. We are at present using the
samba-vscan-clamav module which works sweet on all users home folders
that resides on one of the K12ltsp servers. 
It appears to me that if this could happen this would be a 'one point'
manageable piece.
Some years back we went with the AVG Enterprise thing which worked OK,
but still doing updates and the licensing nightmares with this type of
thing is a daunting task.
We have recently got hit with a virus propagating out to all of the
Winders machines,as the admins have been buying laptops by the carload
and of course the usb stick thing is just a matter of time and this sort
of thing is bound to happen.
Possibly someone could chime in with what they use.


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