[K12OSN] CentOS or Scientific Linux?

Scott S. ssh at tranquility.net
Tue Jan 3 06:45:22 UTC 2012

Hi all, I have been using K12LTSP/K12OSN since the early millennium 
years, but have not been very active on the list. I read it daily, and 
appreciate everyone that has helped make it work, etc.

If I had a choice, I would vote for CentOS as well.

I have been online since 1981, and will unfortunately (?) never have a 
I-MySpaceBook account. Walled gardens and trendy things come and go. I 
have several favorite mailing lists archived locally, that are no longer 
active. They died of their own accord, yet are still useful to me.

I have everything posted here since 2005 archived and available any time 
for my personal use.

This list can be read on my phone if I desire, and any online device I 
am near. Social networking is not a way that I keep up with my favorite 
online topics, but that is just me~

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