[K12OSN] How to enable USB devices in K12LTSP

Alain Reguera Delgado alain.reguera at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 20:57:35 UTC 2015

On 1/2/15, Barry R Cisna <brcisna at eazylivin.net> wrote:
> On the server you need to go into Users and Groups GUi and add each user
> to the group ,,, fuse.

Barry, thank you for the quick response.

On the server, with all clients down, I did the following:

usermod -G fuse al

Then, turned on one of the clients and plugged in the USB memory in it
and it didn't work. The device icon didn't appear on the desktop.

The username I am using for testing is "al". And the output of "id al"
command looks like the following:

uid=500(al) gid=500(al) grupos=500(al),101(fuse)

After testing, and having no USB icon in the desktop, I installed the
k12linux-temp-release-5-1.el5 repository, and did a yum update. The
action updated the dkms-fuse package to 2.7.3-0. Made some tests, and
it didn't worked either. So downgrade the dkms-fuse pacakge to k12ltps
orginal version and removed k12linux-temp-release from the system.

I installed the yum priorities plugin and set the following configuration:







All other repos are disabled.

Another test was editing the file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-fuse.rules to
change the line:

KERNEL=="fuse", NAME="%k", MODE="0666",OWNER="root",GROUP="root"


KERNEL=="fuse", NAME="%k", MODE="0666",OWNER="root",GROUP="fuse"

but the USB memory icon didn't appear on the desktop, either. So,
changed it back to the first line.

Something I've noticed is the existence of a /home/al/Drives directory
that is automatically created when I plug the memory in. This looks
like a good sign to me (the USB is somehow detected and actions taken
when a device is plugged in). However, such directory is empty.

I've also noticed, that /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf.readme mentions
something about adding HOTPLUG = Y on /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf so I
did, but again the USB icon didn't appear on the desktop.

In all tests I've made, SELinux has been in enforcing mode and I
haven't seen any denial there, so far.

Is there anything else I could try. I truly would like to understand
what's going on here. Your help and suggestions are very much

Best Regards,

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