[katello-devel] scrum status for July 6th

Adam Price adprice at redhat.com
Wed Jul 6 15:57:51 UTC 2011

On 07/06/2011 10:00 AM, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
> yesterday:
>  - started on support for async jobs
>  - but spent most of the day on testing consumer environment 
> registration functionality, which is completed and in the master now
> today:
>  - async jobs (packaging of the gem, some basic infrastructure, etc)
> cheers,
> -d
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- verified and cleaned up some changes from friday. pushed
- had a few things to write up for school
- scoping around for 'VERIFY this works: As a cli user, I would like to 
retrieve all the metadata about a single package in a repo)'

- finish up above story
- suggestions for which story to do next?

Adam Price

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