[katello-devel] styling patchset

Eric Helms ehelms at redhat.com
Thu Jul 7 16:08:57 UTC 2011

On 07/07/2011 10:32 AM, Jakub Steiner wrote:
> Hi there!
> here's a few promised changes to the upstream skin. The breadcrumb icons aren't hooked up as I didn't manage to figure out how to populate the locker to test. Feel free to make use of the new breadcrumb sprite instead of the individual icons. Alternatively you can provide me with some handholding and I'll sort it out. I will likely follow up with an inverted spinner for the header as this one isn't as legible as it could be.
> http://fedorapeople.org/~jimmac/katello/upstream-styling.patch
> This applies cleanly on 8d492f67afbff0f37b8ce6a565be5f4c72668489.
> cheers

I am taking hold of applying this patch and pushing it out to master.  I 
was able to apply all the patches but 1 cleanly.  Ran into an error with:

[PATCH 5/7] pointless yet pretty image for the placeholder page.

If you send along the image from the patch (biglogo.png), I can just 
apply the changes manually.

Eric Helms
ehelms at redhat.com
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