[katello-devel] async jobs are in master

Dmitri Dolguikh dmitri at redhat.com
Fri Jul 8 17:54:37 UTC 2011

You can now create async jobs and track their status. You will need to 
execute db migrations after you pull in the changes.

Before creating an async job make sure that you included 
AsyncOrchestration module into the model class in question. After that, 
to start an async job:

    System.async(:organization_id => 
@environment.organization.id).create!(params.merge({:environment => 
@environment})), or
    @system.async(:organization_id => 

please note that you have to pass in organization_id in async call atm. 
The idea was to associate async jobs with organizations (for both 
security and convenience sake), not sure if it's useful. To start async 
jobs processing, you will need to run:
rake jobs:work

To clear jobs queue, run:
rake jobs:clear

You can list all pending/running jobs in an organization:
curl -k -u admin:admin 

Or, you can get the status of a particular job (note the use of uuid for 
job id):
curl -k -u admin:admin 

Please also note that successfully completed jobs will be removed from 
the queue, while failed one will be left in the queue.

Please let me know if you have any questions/comments/suggestions,

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