[katello-devel] Own gem repo

Jason Rist jrist at redhat.com
Mon Jul 11 17:18:03 UTC 2011

On 07/11/2011 10:06 AM, Shannon Hughes wrote:
> justin summed this up well. +1 to keeping our internal gem repo. it was
> a pain hunting down the auto-upgrades pointing to ruby-gems. while some
> of this can be tuned to exact versions, i still feel the internal repo
> that justin setup gives us more control and is more aligned with our rpm
> build process.
> On 07/11/2011 11:53 AM, Justin Sherrill wrote:
>> On 07/11/2011 11:01 AM, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>>> On 07/11/2011 04:28 PM, Justin Sherrill wrote:
>>>> Generally when you do a bundle install the Gemfile.lock file will be
>>>> updated with all of the newest gems from the repo.
>>> Is this really true? Because on my box:
>>> # bundle install -> no change to the .lock file
>>> # bundle update -> change to the .lock file
>>> The same in the Bundler documentation.
>> So I wasn't able to reproduce the 'bundle install', but I can assure
>> you it was an issue a while back.  See internal discussion around
>> march of this year and you'll see a lot of issues with 'bundle
>> install'.  I'm very certain it was an issue.
>> I'm still very against moving back to rubygems.org.  The way we have
>> it now if a developer adds a gem as a requirement for katello they
>> either have to add it to build an rpm for it (for production), or add
>> it to our private gem repo (for development).  If one of these does
>> not happen then the issue becomes very apparent (which it did for you)
>> and hopefullycan be fixed early.
>> If we rely on rubygems.org the issue would not become apparent right
>> away and it may take a few days for QA to hit it (because devs would
>> just be blindly running 'bundle install').
>> Actually I think i remember what the issue is.  User A decides to add
>> a new gem foo-1.1.  He adds  'foo' to Gemfile.  and does a bundle
>> install.  foo-1.1 gets added to Gemfile.lock.  He then builds an rpm
>> appropriately and adds it to the spec file.
>> User B comes in a week or so later and does a bundle install.   But
>> wait! A newer version of foo (1.2) has been added to the rubygems
>> repository.  Since user b does not have foo installed at all, it will
>> pull the latest (1.2) and update the Gemfile.lock.  Gemfile.lock
>> simply dictates what versions rails needs to run, not what will be
>> installed by bundler.  User B, not knowing that he had updated
>> anything does his work and commits Gemfile.lock without really knowing
>> it and breaks everyone else.
>> This may seem like a rare situation, but it was happening almost
>> weekly prior to us moving to our private repo.
>> -Justin
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+1 to keeping the internal repo for other obvious reasons like if
rubygems goes down.

I've updated the FAQ with this question.


Jason E. Rist
Senior Software Engineer
Systems Management and Cloud Enablement
Red Hat, Inc.
Freenode: jrist

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