[katello-devel] Code Coverage reports

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Fri Jul 15 11:51:10 UTC 2011

On 07/15/2011 05:23 AM, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Hello,
> we have got coverage report now that runs every day:
> http://hudson.rhq.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:8080/hudson/job/katello-coverage/Coverage_Report/
> http://bit.ly/oP7ZKR
> The failing threshold is set to 60 % (we are 60.79 %6 now :-) so we get
> notified on the IRC channel. Yes, there is room only for improvement. I
> expect we will push this and I will be able to increase this threshold
> up in near future.
Awesome! Any ability to do the same for the cli code?

-- bk

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