[katello-devel] Don't upgrade to Pulp CR14

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Mon Jul 18 14:28:54 UTC 2011


I cant get oauth working on the Pulp CR14. I already reported this on 
the pulp-list and I am investigating the issue. The oauth python stack 
is "unable to parse OAuth parameters from Authorization header".

I hope my Katello instance is sending it correctly (all set to "katello" 
in my configuration).

{'Authorization': 'OAuth oauth_consumer_key="katello", 
oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1310997548", 
oauth_version="1.0", Basic'}


If you are already running CR14 and "katello ping" works for you this is 
false alert. Ping me immediately in that case. Thanks :-)


  Lukas Zapletal | E32E400A
  RHN Satellite Engineering
  Red Hat Czech s.r.o. Brno

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