[katello-devel] Started going through a setup

Todd Sanders tsanders at redhat.com
Wed Jul 20 12:03:05 UTC 2011

On 07/19/2011 01:29 PM, Bryan Kearney wrote:
> I went through the setup process. My goal was via the command line to 
> be able to install, sync some content, and promote it to an 
> environment, and then consume it from a system. I got to creating the 
> first change set, but can not promote it yet either the CLI or the 
> GUI. So.. it is getting closer.
> Couple of questions/comments:
> 1) From the cli, I have to do:
> for example:
> ./bin/katello -u admin -p admin changeset info --org ACME_Corporation 
> --name test
> Would it make sense to allow the -u -p after the command? So.. for 
> example:
> ./bin/katello changeset info -u admin -p admin --org ACME_Corporation 
> --name test

I still believe we should find a way to leverage this from the 
pulp-admin cli core; as all of this has been built.  No reason to keep 
spending cycles reinventing this.  In pulp-admin, we allow for -u -p 
*before* the command; and --username --password after the command.  We 
also allow for you to pull down a certificate to be used with successive 
commands via the CLI:

pulp-admin auth login --username <username>  --password <password>

We are in the process of refactoring/reorganizing the pulp client code; 
I'll have slagle take a look at reuse for the katello cli.

> 2) The provider type is supposed to be "rhn" to sync redhat conent. 
> Should this be CDN, redhat, or something else? RHN seems odd.

I thought we were supporting two types; this is what I have seen and 
expect to see via the web ui.

1. redhat
2. custom

We should stay away from "rhn" or "cdn" imo.

> 3) From the UI, is there a way to switch the current org I am looking 
> at? I started to use my custom org but I had to go back and use 
> ACME_Corporation.

I don't think this is in place yet.  We have a design for an org 
selector in the top web ui banner.  jrist may know the plans for wiring 
this up.

> 4) The seed data in the install sets up roles and a superadmin (good) 
> but also a dummy org and 2 providers. Can we scale this back to 
> perhaps one org?

Assume this would just be for testing?  We won't want to seed any orgs 
in a users install.  They will need to define during a "first boot" process.


> 5) What is the naming scheme for repos. It seems "unique"
> -- bk
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