[katello-devel] Bundler deployment strategy

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Fri Jun 24 08:11:06 UTC 2011

What is our strategy for deployment? I mean do we need to use bundler 
"lock" feature (I mean the Gemfile.lock) for target deployment? I think 
its great for development (and maybe for agile websites deployment where 
you dont care about the system-wide rubygems) but our case is different.

We have got several distros (with different gem sets) to be supported. 
In the Gemfile we just specify minimum requirements and that should be 
enough. There is no need to distribute the Gemfile.lock.

Can bundler live without it?

Or is it possible to generate it the same way as I have descried in the 
workaround above?

I am not sure how bundler works - just know the basic stuff :-)

Btw CloudForms SE is meant for RHEL6+, and Katello is meant for F14+, 
are they?


  Lukas Zapletal | E32E400A
  RHN Satellite Engineering
  Red Hat Czech s.r.o. Brno

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