[katello-devel] Length limits for common things

Partha Aji paji at redhat.com
Mon May 23 21:40:31 UTC 2011

I am working on a bug dealing with length limits for environment names. Thought this would be a good opportunity to standardize lengths across board. By default rails migration scripts sets the column length for strings to 255 characters. Going by spacewalk experience the standard seems to be

1) Name/Label/Other strings- 128 Varchar
2) Description  - 255 Varchar

We might have to fix the UI to provide the ability to show 128 characters but that is still better than having a DB exception raised for crossing the column limit.

I am planning to add the length validation to KatelloNameValidator since its already used for most of the model names. I might also add a KatelloDescriptionValidator and have it do length checks for descriptions..
If any one has any issues with the suggested lengths please respond.


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