[katello-devel] multi-select in lists

Tom McKay thomasmckay at redhat.com
Wed Nov 2 15:54:59 UTC 2011

I'd like to raise how multiple items are selected in a list since it seems a bit non-intuitive to this user.

Currently to select multiples the steps are:
1. Have nothing selected in list
2. Ctrl-click or shift-click to get the first item
3. Ctrl-click or shift-click to add more items

It's that first step that really threw me off. The way list selection works elsewhere (every where else?) is:
1. Click an item
2. Ctrl-click or shift-click to add more

Is there a reason for the difference in our list selection behavior?

To further confuse the issue, ctrl-click of an already selected item does not unselect it but instead selects it, thus clearing all other selected items. In our current paradigm this now-selected item needs to be unselected before other items can once again be multi-selected.

Hopefully that reads as bad as it feels to me. :)


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