[katello-devel] Default user to have an environment and an org?

Cliff Perry cperry at redhat.com
Thu Nov 3 02:54:44 UTC 2011

On 11/02/2011 04:27 PM, Tyler Smart wrote:
> Cliff,
> I guess my revised question would be about setting up a default environment for the ACME corporation. But the product is not going to ship with ACME Corporation as the name of the default org, is it?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Cliff Perry" <cperry at redhat.com>
> To: "Tyler Smart" <tsmart at redhat.com>
> Cc: katello-devel at redhat.com
> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 4:07:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [katello-devel] Default user to have an environment and an org?
> On 11/02/2011 03:56 PM, Tyler Smart wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> When Katello is installed via RPM, will a script be run to give the
>> default superuser a default environment and org? That way if any machine
> We do that today - admin / admin
> When you login, it goes to ACME Org and within that org you create a new
> Environment beyond Locker and then use newer(newest)
> subscription-manager with the -uadmin -padmin to subscribe.
> https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/SystemRegistration
> subscription-manager register --force --username=admin --password=admin
> Cliff
>> tryied to register with that username there would not be an error, and
>> it would save the user form having to manually assign one. All users
>> created after this one would have to have an org/env as the UI mandates it.
>> =========
>> Tyler Smart
>> <https://docspace.corp.redhat.com/groups/itrb>
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to answer both, nope, I planned for allowing ACME to be
replace/configured during installation. Same for default
username/password combination of admin/admin.

These are hard coded today within the seeds.rb file. I have attached a
patch which will replace those strings with user defined. I've done
initial testing which executes fine. I've not had time to do clean
install running with the patch. The new options show up within --help
output (passed from default answer file).

# katello-configure --help
Usage: /usr/sbin/katello-configure [options]
                                     Katello first user (with
Administrator role)
                                     Katello first user's password
                                     Katello first Organization

To use, example:

# katello-configure --first-user-name=foobar --first-user-pass=wibble

Input appreciated.
  - Maybe drop the usage of 'first' - this is a given really :)

The main item I can think off is that I should not be required to enter
this value within one of the following, but allow it to be unset and be
prompted by the installer for the value.
 - default answer file
 - user defined answer file
 - command line option to katello-configure

Sorry it is not a git patch, just raw diff from test system I've been
using tonight.

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