[katello-devel] Experience contributing a new feature as a user

Ivan Nečas inecas at redhat.com
Wed Aug 15 06:40:19 UTC 2012

On 08/15/2012 08:39 AM, Ivan Nečas wrote:
> On 08/15/2012 06:13 AM, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:27:52AM -0400, Og Maciel wrote:
>>> My point for this email is not to blame anyone but to ask the 
>>> following question: how can we make it easier for people to 
>>> contribute to katello without having to jump through endless hoops???
>> You either need all developer dependencies to be delivered as
>> precompiled RPMs, or you need to undergo this compilation process
>> every time you install those gems. This is how rubygems work - they are
>> basically source packages which is fine for pure-ruby packages, but for
>> gems with extensions its more tough.
> The problem with apipie not being installed right with bundle install 
> is our gem repo preparation script is failing for some time (hopefully 
> will be fixed soon, nothing else is holding us back to have it there).
> If you're lucky enough, you use some yum-backed distro and you can 
> enjoy all the advantages it has: yum install rubygem-redcarpet 
> (available in Fedora and EPEL), yum install rubygem-apipie-rails (in 
> our nightly repo [1] since tonight). bundle install: problem solved :)
> One improvement I could see is to distribute all the development 
> packages (including test frameworks etc) as RPMs and provide 
> katello-devel package, that would install all the dependencies so that 
> the developer is ready to go with one command. That would also allow 
> us to get rid of our rubygem repo and make the "source :rubygems" 
> optional.
> All we can do for other rubygem users is to document it somewhere. Oh 
> wait, we did [2] :). Ruby developers are quite used to have the 
> ruby-devel (and other development packages) installed on the machine.
> [1] - 
> http://koji-katello.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com/releases/yum/nightly/RHEL/6Server/x86_64/
and the external link to ^^^ is 
> [2] - 
> https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/AdvancedInstallation#SetUpDevelopmentusingGit 


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