[katello-devel] Demotions and deletions

Justin Sherrill jsherril at redhat.com
Wed Aug 29 18:39:05 UTC 2012

On 08/29/2012 12:58 PM, Mike McCune wrote:
> On 08/29/2012 03:29 AM, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 09:13:03AM -0700, Michael McCune wrote:
>>> this violates our rule that:
>>> *** "All changes to content in any live environment must be through
>>> a changeset" ***
>> Now THATS a good point!
>>> 3) Allow user to delete custom repositories in the Library and then
>>> message them that in order to re-create any repositories with the
>>> same name they will need to go through and execute changesets in
>>> each of their environments to delete the repos from anywhere they
>>> promoted to.
>>> We could auto create deletion changesets for them so all the changes
>>> to the live environments would be tracked and done through our
>>> existing mechanism.  If people really want it we can allow the
>>> "apply" to mass-execute the changesets in order.  We would be
>>> maintaining our existing rule above but allowing for an easier
>>> mechanism to mass delete repositories
>> The question is how would you create a deletion changeset when
>> repository is already GONE? I mean, you can't really insert it there,
>> there is nothing to apply. I don't get it.
>> Maybe I just don't understand how delete promotions works atm.
> If you delete a custom repo from the Library right now from the GUI or 
> CLI the repo will still exist in all the environments you have 
> promoted to.  So to delete the repos from say ... DEV/TEST/PROD after 
> you delete from the Library you just go in, create a 'deletion' 
> changeset in DEV/TEST/PROD and add the repos you previously deleted 
> from the Library to the Changeset.  Then you apply that changeset and 
> the repos are now gone from that env.
> EG:
> 1) Create custom product, CP1 and environments: DEV/TEST
> 2) Add 2 repos, repo1, repo2
> 3) sync to library
> 4) promote CP1 to DEV, now you have repo1, repo2 in DEV
> 5) promote CP2 to TEST, now you have repo1, repo2 in TEST
> 6) Go into Custom Providers, delete repo2.  Now repo2 is deleted from 
> the Library but still exists in DEV and TEST
> 7) Create a Deletion Changeset in DEV, add repo2 to this changeset
> 8) Apply the changeset, repo2 is now gone from DEV but still exists in 
> 9) Create a Deletion Changeset in TEST, add repo2 to this changeset
> 10) Apply changeset, repo2 is now gone from TEST and exists nowhere
> This is how it works in master now today but after running through the 
> above scenario we are still getting that JDBC error so content 
> deletion is *not* cleaning something up correctly.  Brad/myself can 
> take a look at why deleting all the repos from Library -> end of 
> promotion path is still leaving something in Candlepin
Is this consistent with product deletion?


> Mike

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