[katello-devel] Nightly busted

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Thu Dec 6 09:35:43 UTC 2012

Ok I have fixed that, but nightly does not work yet. There is a
different issue. Not sure if this is which Eric wrote yesterday, but I
am unable to fix this one.


On Thu, Dec 06, 2012 at 09:56:38AM +0100, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Hey,
> after my changes merged and repairs over the night, nightly does not
> working this morning. I hope this is the latest dependency issue. During
> katello-jobs startup it fails with:
> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler_ext-0.2.0/lib/aeolus/ext/bundler_ext.rb:48:in
> `strict_error': Gem loading error: no such file to load --
> ci/reporter/core (RuntimeError)
> The workaround is to delete group :ci from the Gemfile.in. I am gonna
> push a fix soon.
> -- 
> Later,
>  Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
>  #katello #systemengine
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 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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