[katello-devel] Katello 1.3/1.4 Feature Planning

Tom McKay thomasmckay at redhat.com
Thu Dec 6 17:47:03 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric D Helms" <ericdhelms at gmail.com>
> To: katello-devel at redhat.com
> Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2012 11:58:28 AM
> Subject: [katello-devel] Katello 1.3/1.4 Feature Planning
> Howdy,
> As I prepare the Katello 1.2 release, I thought I would get the ball
> rolling on feature planning for Katello 1.3. As it stands, the focus
> of Katello 1.3 is Pulp V2 integration. However, a lot of other
> features and work will go on during now and when the Pulp V2 work is
> ready. So I'd like to get a rough idea of what features we plan to
> try and get into this next release and potentially any beyond that
> for the next release nanny to work from. Current rough time frame
> for Pulp V2 integration is late January, early February time frame
> and thus this release will be based on feature completion not a hard
> timed release.
> Katello 1.3 Features
> - Pulp V2 integration
> - Pulp V2 upgrades
> Katello 1.4 Features
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> katello-devel at redhat.com
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Reduction of the 564 open BZs. Seriously, if we're not going to fix them let's just mass close.


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