[katello-devel] Katello upgrade and Puppet

Petr Chalupa pchalupa at redhat.com
Fri Dec 7 09:50:11 UTC 2012

On 05.12.12 16:33, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Hi,
> recent Petr's changes showed that katello-upgrade does not play well
> with puppet. We have touched this issue several times now:
> - change touches a puppet template
> - katello upgrade does this then:
>    - stops services
>    - executes our upgrade scripts
>    - migrates databases
>    - redeploys puppet (katello-configure)
> When the change in a puppet template is not compatible (e.g. some
> refactoring), migration fails because Katello won't boot with this
> (wrong) configuration since codebase was already upgraded with yum.
> We need to create an upgrade script that somehow corrects the
> configuration file until it's redeployed via katello configure.
> Two solutions I see:
> 1) Call puppet to only deploy configuration files and make this as a
> first step before anything happens. I have been discussing this with
> Foreman devs little while back, there are some features of puppet we
> could use for this but this is not how they should be used. Also seems
> to be "hacky".

I would look into this one, because it would fix the problem with old 
config for me and I could merge configuration cleanup.

> 2) Have full upgrade process in puppet. Very challenging, I can't really
> believe this is even doable - we need to deploy configuration, then
> execute some steps in particular order, then restart services. One big
> disadvantage is the upgrade process cannot be interactive anymore I
> believe - just fire and wait.
> Opinions?

Anyway I think we have issues with katello-configuration and 
katello-upgrade too often. Maybe we should spend some tome on finding a 
better solution.

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