[katello-devel] Subscription Manifest upload for Provider 'Red Hat' fails with traceback

Mike McCune mmccune at redhat.com
Fri Dec 14 20:43:13 UTC 2012

On 12/14/2012 11:41 AM, James Labocki wrote:
> I opened the following bug - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=886987 . If someone needs access to the system where it is taking place please let me know.
> Description of problem:
> I receive the following error (see bug for screenshot) when uploading a subscription manifest to the Red Hat provider in System Engine 1.1.12-22.
> Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
> System Engine 1.1.12-22
> How reproducible:
> 1. Download Manifest from access.redhat.com.
> 2. Upload Manifest into organization in System Engine.
> 3. Upon successful upload, go back to distributor at access.redhat.com and add another subscription to the distributor.
> 4. Download Manifest from access.redhat.com and upload into system engine.
> 5. Receive error (see bug for screenshot)
> Actual results:
> Receive error (see bug for screenshot)
> Expected results:
> Subscription manifest should upload successfully at step #4 and new subscriptions should be available within the organization.

dupe of this bug which I just uploaded a set of hotfix packages :


errata should be avail in January with the fix


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