[katello-devel] Katello Backend Service Relationships and Architecture

Eric Helms ehelms at redhat.com
Mon Dec 17 13:48:49 UTC 2012

As Lukas has pointed out, this discussion and the next generation 
orchestration discussion go hand in hand.  Both affect the overall 
architecture of Katello and the move towards a consistent implementation 
up and down the stack from controllers to backend services.  In my 
opinion, we would be better served by deciding upon a single 
architectural design and working towards implementation rather than 
trying to patch up what we have now (since what we have now currently 
works, but lacks robustness and consistency).  The key things I have 
picked up from the discussion that are in need of resolution and 
potentially design (and that I have attempted to summarize the different 
schools of thought on):

* How to do OrchestrationNG
     - Best practice and method for performing orchestration
     - How this new methodology for doing orchestration fits into the 
     - How Katello entities and glue layer interact with this orchestration

* Lazy accessors vs. Remote resources
     - Lazy accessors are the original method of defining a set of 
attributes in the glue layer that access the object only when an 
attribute is requested
     - Remote resources encompass using a thin model to represent what 
the resource looks like in the backend service

* Backend namespacing and proxied entities vs. top level Katello 
entities for every model
     - Keeping backend resources and functionality relegated to the glue 
layer and lazy accessors/remote resource, and treating all entities as 
Katello entities that may use a backend service to do the heavy lifting
     - Exposing proxied entities (those without an ActiveRecord model) 
to controllers and namespacing at each level of the application

* Glue layer interactions with base Katello model:  modules vs. classes
    - Treating glue layer as modules that enhance the base Katello model
    - Creating a glue layer class for each entity that functions as an 
observer of the base Katello model

- Eric

On 12/14/2012 10:59 AM, Petr Chalupa wrote:
> On 14.12.12 16:55, Bryan Kearney wrote:
>> On 12/14/2012 08:51 AM, Petr Chalupa wrote:
>>> On 14.12.12 10:05, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 03:03:00PM -0500, Bryan Kearney wrote:
>>>>> The original glue layer attempted to enforce the following practices:
>>>>> * The controller layer (/controllers and /controllers/api) should
>>>>> not be aware of the backend engine providing the implementation.
>>>>> * Any object which the controller would interact with should live in
>>>>> the model tier (/models), since that is standard rails
>>>>> * A glue layer (/model/glue) would enhance the model tier and handle
>>>>> reading/writing to the backend.
>>>>> * All transport to the backend systems is external (in 
>>>>> /lib/resources)
>>>> I know this thread is about Foreman vs others, but since you 
>>>> replied to
>>>> my mail I need to write this over and over again. With the current
>>>> orchestration:
>>>> We tightly couple model and orchestration while orchestration should
>>>> be independent. Katello model is just one of the parties we want to
>>>> integrate with.
>>>> We can only orchestrate things that have resources in our database and
>>>> for all the others we need to "hack" alternate models to get this
>>>> working.
>>>> We tend to do long running orchestration by hacking model classes 
>>>> (like
>>>> org.task_id) which is weird - we are abusing models to do 
>>>> orchestration
>>>> work. Those things are mixed.
>>>> Our codebase is difficult to understand - we are building chains of
>>>> callbacks that are deeply hidden in our model objects. Integration
>>>> proces is a simple function with several statements while we spread it
>>>> across multiple classes.
>>>> Errors in our model lead to errors in orchestration. While data
>>>> inconsistency in our katello db are really bad, they are much 
>>>> easier to
>>>> fix comparing with inconsistencies across multiple backend engines.
>>>> Our orchestration code is pretty untestable as a standalone component
>>>> and the whole codebase is error prone.
>>>> Katello models are error prone because we have so much code logic in
>>>> there, so many hooks, callbacks and validations needed for
>>>> orchestration. They don't need to be there.
>>>> Our unit tests are either testing models with orchestration turned off
>>>> or models and orchestration with turned it on. No separation here, 
>>>> tests
>>>> are mixed into each other.
>>>> This approach came from foreman where it works pretty well, but
>>>> Foreman's orchestration is more different from Katello than we thought
>>>> it will be.
>>>> I said it like twenty times and I can say it again: Let's move our
>>>> orchestration out of our models. Let's refactor this while we still 
>>>> have
>>>> some chance to do this. Now is the time, once we agree this is the
>>>> "best" approach and maybe rewrite foreman part into this pattern, 
>>>> there
>>>> is no easy way out.
>>> I agree with Lukas. Our orchestration is fragile and doesn't feel good.
>>> # What I think we can do right now
>>> We could at least start cleaning up the current orchestration code
>>> without changing its design. I think we would benefit a lot if we just
>>> removed the model-tangle by replacing modules with classes.
>>> see attachment
>>> ## Image legend
>>> - blue represents gems
>>> - all black nodes are classes, no modules
>>>    - nodes with full line are present classes
>>>    - dashed nodes are classes which aren't implemented
>>> - black full edge represents oriented knowledge
>>> - dashed edges represents inheritance
>>> You can modify and regenerate the pdf with graphwiz:
>>> `dot graph_orchest.dot -Tpdf graph_orchest.dot.pdf`
>>> ## Class legend of new classes
>>> AbstractKatelloRecord: Abstract parent of all katello ActiveRecord 
>>> models
>>> AbstractOrchestratedRecord: Abstract parent of all katello ActiveRecord
>>> models with any orchestration.
>>> Glue::Abstract, Glue::Foreman::Abstract, Glue::Pulp::Abstract:  
>>> abstract
>>> parent orchestration classes for all, foreman and pulp
>>> Relation between Glue and ActiveRecords objects: will be very 
>>> similar to
>>> a observer pattern. An AbstractOrchestratedRecord descendant (e.g. User
>>> instance) will send events (generated by ActiveRecord callbacks) to any
>>> number of registered Glue::Abstract descendants (e.g.
>>> Glue::Foreman::User instance).
>>> ## Benefits are:
>>> - separated logic
>>> - not so fat ActiveRecord models
>>> - Glue object has its own namespace, no collisions inside model
>>> - Orchestration switching off/on is simple as un/registering glue
>>> objects from AbstractOrchestratedRecord descendants
>>> # And for future
>>> I think we should start exploring other solutions. I like Lukas's idea
>>> to build orchestration around processes (ruote [1]) very much.
>>> [1] http://ruote.rubyforge.org/
>>> Petr
>>> # Notes
>>> How to define Abstract class from ActiveRecord::Base:
>>> class AbstractKatelloRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
>>>    self.abstract_class = true
>>>    # ...
>>> end
>>> This class then doesn't have table, is considered abstract by
>>> ActiveRecord and doesn't break STI.
>> I assume in picture that Glue::Pulp::User and Pulp::User would be
>> concrete classes, not abstract.
> Yes they would be concrete classes. The dashing around a class means 
> that they do not exist. Classes with full edge are in master already.
>> -- bk
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