[katello-devel] Foreman Registration Design

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Thu Dec 20 13:20:56 UTC 2012

On 12/19/2012 11:32 AM, Dominic Cleal wrote:
> On 19/12/12 09:38, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:25:31AM +0000, Dominic Cleal wrote:
>>> I suppose the assumption for now is that the puppetmaster will always be
>>> the Katello host - there won't any support for splitting up and
>>> multiplying the number of puppetmaster hosts yet?  At that point, the
>>> hostname may need to be more dynamic than as delivered in the RPM.
>> Well I mean we would just add puppetmaster bits into the katello-cert
>> rpm. This wiki explains what we actually do:
>> https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/GuideSystemRegistrationClient#Option1preferredmethod:UsingthebootstrapRPM
>> and here you can see the RPM post inst script:
>> https://github.com/Katello/katello/blob/master/katello-configure/modules/certs/templates/rhsm-katello-reconfigure.erb
>> The RPM is generated during configuration of Katello, everything in
>> there is dynamic (and can be also re-generated with reapplying
>> katello-configure = puppet).
> This assumes a single puppetmaster though specified in the RPM upfront.
>   Foreman supports any number of puppetmasters, which is specified on the
> host (and might be populated from the hostgroup) and could be installed
> alongside Foreman or on other hosts with smart proxies.
> How flexible will Katello be about supported Foreman and Puppet
> architectures to start with?
The goal is to follow hte foreman model. Have installers to set up 1-n 
proxies and 1-n puppet masters on different machines, and then use the 
katello-ui (which in turn uses the foreman api) to register these 
proxies and puppet masters.

Pulp 2.0 will allows us to migrate puppet content. So, we will then be 
able to build up content in these puppet masters using content views and 
-- bk

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