[katello-devel] High Fidelity Mock-ups and Specs for Foreman Integration

Kyle Baker kybaker at redhat.com
Thu Dec 20 22:09:48 UTC 2012

I have updated the Katello wiki with high fidelity mockups of the Foreman integration wireframes as well as specs to assist with implementation. The high fidelity mockups are intended to show the wireframes as they would exist in the UI. There has been no additional changes of functionality or layout which had been previously integrated in the wireframes. I have created high fidelity mockups and specs for each unique element focusing primarily on visuals. Refer to the wireframes for all content and interactions for the entire Foreman integration design.

All Foreman integration designs as well as specs for those can be seen here - https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/Foreman%20Integration 

Kyle Baker
UX Team
Desk 978 392 3116
IRC  kylebaker

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