[katello-devel] JSHint for Developers

Eric Helms ehelms at redhat.com
Thu Jul 5 15:38:49 UTC 2012


As of https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/276, the JSHintRB gem with 
an associated rake task is now available for developers to use as means 
of doing syntax and code analysis against our Javascript.  JSHintrb 
wraps JSHint functionality, which is itself built upon Douglas 
Crockford's JSLint, to make incorporation into Ruby projects and 
creation of a rake task easier.  More information and available options 
can be found here:


The set of options we are currently using be found here:


The task can be run via:

'rake jshint'

And at this time, no clean-up of code has been done so there will be 
lots of output.  Future pull requests will follow focused on applying 
the tool and cleaning up our code.

- Eric
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