[katello-devel] One component outline - more OSes questions

Ivan Nečas inecas at redhat.com
Mon Jul 16 17:03:33 UTC 2012

I'm trying to image how a component outline could work with more OSes. 
And because I like examples, let's try one:

1. Context:

   a. We have an environment with products Fedora, RHEL and Katello 
(with repos for both RHEL and Fedora).
   b. We have a Component Outilne Katello, that could be deployed both 
on Fedora and RHEL

2. Now I want to provision a system for that component outline in the 
environment running on RHEL

3. questions?

a. Does that mean, that I have to specify what subscription go with what 
operating system (or determine automagically - it probably could be 
detected from what the distribution comes from?)
b. How to prevent the Katello product to show only available repos for 
given OS? Or it needs to be a single product for every OS (and 
potentially arch as well)

-- Ivan

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