[katello-devel] One component outline - more OSes questions

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Tue Jul 17 11:54:29 UTC 2012

On 07/17/2012 05:56 AM, Ivan Nečas wrote:
> On 07/16/2012 07:03 PM, Ivan Nečas wrote:
>> I'm trying to image how a component outline could work with more OSes.
>> And because I like examples, let's try one:
>> 1. Context:
>>   a. We have an environment with products Fedora, RHEL and Katello
>> (with repos for both RHEL and Fedora).
>>   b. We have a Component Outilne Katello, that could be deployed both
>> on Fedora and RHEL
>> 2. Now I want to provision a system for that component outline in the
>> environment running on RHEL
>> 3. questions?
>> a. Does that mean, that I have to specify what subscription go with
>> what operating system (or determine automagically - it probably could
>> be detected from what the distribution comes from?)
>> b. How to prevent the Katello product to show only available repos for
>> given OS? Or it needs to be a single product for every OS (and
>> potentially arch as well)
> It seems, it would be worth to make mapping from repositories to Os and
> architecture and teach Candlepin about it so that it chooses correctly
> what repositories to display for particular system (given it would known
> the OS/arch of the system).
> For Aeolus, it might lead to Component outline, that would support more
> OSes/architecture and the actual choice would be made at image build
> time (when the TDL is sent to Oz), but I still need som info from Aeolus
> team on that, to know if it's possible or not. If not, we would need to
> specify the Os/arch when generating TDL. And even there, the mapping
> between Repos and OSes and Archs would be really helpful.

In you contenxt, you may have puppet recipies which say "install apache" 
and that recipie may work across all oses. So, when you declare a 
system, you could select an OS and it would "just work".

This is why folks have been saying that subscriptions should be tied to 
activation keys. I may create a key which is "Katello + Red Hat 
Subscriptions" and one which is "Katello + Fedora Subscriptions".

For integration with Aeolus, I think we need the equivilant of a system 
record. Lets call it an Image record. I select a CO, and an OS, and I 
say "THis is an image". Any API between the two systems can now talk in 
terms of image records.

-- bk

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