[katello-devel] Fedora 17 status

Dmitri Dolguikh dmitri at redhat.com
Wed Jul 18 08:36:55 UTC 2012

On 16/07/12 12:32 PM, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Guys,
> how far are we with Fedora 17 support? Lot's of things got changed (Ruby
> 1.9 etc). Is there anyone running Katello on F17?
> LZ
I'm running on F17, but under ruby 1.8.7. There are quite a few 
dependencies that need to be updated for 1.9.


PS> For those of you who don't want to use rvm, there's another project 
rbenv https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv/ that is much less invasive. 
I have fixed a few issues of ruby-build plugin for rbenv that simplifies 
ruby installation: 

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