[katello-devel] Bumping up the Rails version 3.0.10 -> 3.0.15

Chris Alfonso calfonso at redhat.com
Wed Jul 18 14:18:23 UTC 2012

On 18/07/12 14:29 +0200, Ivan Nečas wrote:
>Hi folks,
>Trying to run latest Foreman with Katello out of the box is not 
>possible right now: Forman depends on Rails 3.0.15 and we  3.0.10.
>If there are no other reasons to stay with 3.0.10, what about bumping 
>it up to 3.0.15, and as bonus get all the fixes that were introduced 
>I've discussed with Ohad the possiblity to loose the dependency 
>condition in the spec file and it seems it would be possible, but 
>going forward is maybe better direction.
Jordan has created a bz for this and plans to get this out for 1.1.
I'm not sure of the bz#.  Also, we should get conductor on the same version
at the same time.

-- Chris
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