[katello-devel] where to get required katello gems

Hugh O. Brock hbrock at redhat.com
Mon Jul 23 15:25:40 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 01:09:39AM +1000, Justin Clift wrote:
> On 24/07/2012, at 1:03 AM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> <snip>
> >>> To sumarize: I think the main issue for non fedora development
> >>> machines are not updated .gem files in rubygem rpms.
> > 
> > I'm not sure I understand this 100%. For RPM-based distros, can't we
> > simply keep the RPMs reasonably up-to-date? (It seems like a good part
> > of the process can be automated, as well.) And for non-RPM distros, we
> > should just use "real" gems.
> > 
> > Though honestly, the whole notion of packaging gems as RPMs seems weird
> > to me, but I guess there's precedent with other systems (e.g., CPAN). It
> > just feels like we're trying to encapsulate one package management
> > system inside another, which sounds like insanity.
> As a data point, this came through another mailing list:
>   https://plus.google.com/u/0/116044105212961820435/posts/3H9BBynrfDf
> It looks like OpenSuSE's equivalent to yum, called zypper, has added
> native support for Ruby gem's and Python's things (eggs?) and similar.
> Maybe adding gem support to yum would be the go?

It would be a great idea, but I've tried to convince the Fedora folks
of that and been... well, unsuccessful is much too polite a term.

Maybe we should just use zypper?


== Hugh Brock, hbrock at redhat.com                                   ==
== Engineering Manager, Cloud BU                                   ==
== Aeolus Project: Manage virtual infrastructure across clouds.    ==
== http://aeolusproject.org                                        ==

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