[katello-devel] katello-devel Digest, Vol 15, Issue 26

Ohad Levy ohadlevy at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 07:07:06 UTC 2012

On 07/24/2012 07:12 PM, Vinny Valdez wrote:
> On Jul 19, 2012, at 6:42 AM, katello-devel-request at redhat.com
> <mailto:katello-devel-request at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 12:36:10 +0200
>> From: Lukas Zapletal <lzap at redhat.com <mailto:lzap at redhat.com>>
>> To:katello-devel at redhat.com <mailto:katello-devel at redhat.com>
>> Subject: Re: [katello-devel] Do you want to be a movie star?
>> Message-ID: <20120719103610.GG4554 at lzapx.brq.redhat.com
>> <mailto:20120719103610.GG4554 at lzapx.brq.redhat.com>>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> Nice, but why 30 fps? That's too much. Five to ten is way enough saving
>> bandwidth so image is ultra-sharp. Here is my recordmydesktop script
>> (kudos to Jeff Weiss andgoogle.com <http://google.com/>):
>> https://gist.github.com/3142880
>> The only drawback is it always records whole screen (if you have
>> multiple monitors then both screens) when using Gnome Shell and other
>> modern desktops (it has only one screen from the X11 perspective).
>> So the hack is to uncomment that RESOLUTION variable and set it
>> properly, so it will only record the first screen (left one in my case).
>> You need this only if you have multi-monitor setup!
>> Just run it in an empty folder and file will be recorded and encoded
>> properly for YouTube. I like this approach very much, it's easy and it
>> gives the best possible quality.
>> I have added the link on the page.
> If no one has signed up to work on these, I'll take the lead on them.
> I've actually done quite a bit of testing with different screencasting
> software, and I will say that using ffmpeg directly is the most
> flexible. RecordMyDesktop is fast, simple, and easy. However, the
> encoded .ogv is difficult to edit, if you want to add transitions,
> insert additional graphics, and so forth, you really need to render the
> video out to individual frames first. This is where 30 fps is fantastic.
> Then you'd want to re-render it back to a movie after editing. If you
> just want to capture your screen and are not plagued with perfectionism,
> RMD is all you need. I posted a very lengthy (all FOSS) method for
> screencasting here:
> http://vinnyvaldez.blogspot.com/2011/09/screencasting-and-video-production-with.html
> Using ffmpeg isn't too difficult (these are similar to what Lukas
> posted, but without sound). First, determine X11 settings to use for
> capture:
> $ xwininfo | grep -e Width -e Height -e Absolute
> Then click on the target window to record. Output will look like this
> for a single-monitor system:
>    Absolute upper-left X:  0
>    Absolute upper-left Y:  0
>    Width: 1920
> Then start ffmpeg with these options:
> $ ffmpeg -f x11grab -s hd1080 -r 30 -i :0.0+nomouse -vcodec libx264
> -vpre lossless_ultrafast output.mp4
> If you have a two-monitor setup, here is an example of using nthe 2nd
> monitor to record:
> $ ffmpeg -f x11grab -s hd1080 -r 30 -i :0.0+1920,0+nomouse -vcodec
> libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast output.mp4
> The advantage is the encoded output is directly editable in every
> software I've tried, with almost no quality loss. With RMD I tended to
> end up with dirty frames when editing it. You can always specify a
> different codec, or even use something like ffmpeg2theora when editing
> is done if you want open formats.
> For editing, I prefer Blender, but it comes with a steep learning curve
> if you just want to use it for editing. OpenShot is a great alternative.
> If you have a Mac, I've found ScreenFlow is a dream and does everything:
> http://www.telestream.net/screen-flow/
> I prefer editing the videos to near completion, then adding a narration
> track afterwards using Audacity.
> In any case, I'll start on these soon unless work is already underway.

Vinny - great stuff!

thanks for sharing,
> Vinny Valdez, RHCA, RHCSS, RHCVA (110-119-187)
> Principal Architect
> Global Solutions & Strategy Office
> +1 (650) 260-4846
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